by Sam Wells .
The following is a general outline which breaks down political systems into two aspects: governmental Form and governmental Scope. In this context, the "form" has to do with WHO or HOW MANY rule (make public policies, decide what the government does). The "scope" of government has to do with the total EXTENT and RANGE of JURISDICTION of the government (no matter how many or who the rulers are). A government's scope may be virtually universal and unlimited -- with the government having total eminent domain (at least theoretically) over all the people and every thing in the nation. That would be totalitarianism -- or full socialism. A government's scope may be limited (say, by a Constitution) -- leaving at least some areas of human life off-limits to the government's jurisdiction. There are two categories of Governmental Scope: Interventionism and Laissez Faire. Likewise, there are two categories of Governmental Form: Whimarchy and Republic. The follow- ing is highly simplified, but will serve to indicate the kinds of inter- mediate forms and scopes between the two end points of socialism and laissez faire. Since politics is based on more fundamental disciplines, its place in the context of philosophy is shown by placing it in a broader outline without going into all the details under the other main branches. Clearly, IV is an elaboration of IIIB2b.